8 Ways Solar Energy Will Save Planet Earth And Save You Money

Planet earth is dying, and economies worldwide are worsening. Reversing climate change depends on how we can dramatically change the way we produce and use electricity. Moreover, for economies to revive, we need to become more self-sufficient in order to save more money. Solar energy can be the solution that will save the planet and save us money. The benefits of solar power are many. Here are some ways solar energy can help us with the current problems humanity is facing:

  1. Solar Is A Clean Energy Source

Fossil fuels like oil and gas produce carbon dioxide and methane as a by-product. Cumulatively, the amount of toxic gases produced by all the cars, airplanes and factories in the world is immense. Plants use CO2 to make food, but the excess CO2 remaining in the atmosphere is too much because of industrialization and deforestation. The result is polluted, foggy air unfit for humans. This has been the cause of many diseases like cancer, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Also, the Earth’s temperature is rising steadily, and the climate is changing. Solar energy, on the other hand, has no by-products. It produces clean energy, which is good for the environment and for future generations.

  1. Minimum Water Is Used For Power Production

Conventional production of electricity in hydroelectric, geothermal, and nuclear power plants uses up much of the world’s freshwater. Water is needed to turn the power turbines and cool generators. Besides that, water is also used to refine, transport, and process fuel like oil. We could have used this water for drinking by humans or animals, and for growing food. Solar energy does not need any water to be produced, transported or stored. Solar panels use photovoltaic cells to produce electricity. Implementing solar power on large scale will help us save water, especially freshwater, which is crucial for the existence of life on Earth.

  1. The Greenhouse Effect On Earth Lessens

The Earth is heating up drastically, and the proof is seen everywhere. Icecaps are melting, animals are dying for no apparent reason, and weather extremes are experienced worldwide. All this is because of the CO2 and methane produced by non-renewable energy sources like oil and gas. Solar energy can reverse this. Every home in the city and suburbs can have solar panels installed to reduce the dependency on gas for cooking. This can go a long way in fighting climate change.

  1. Fossil Fuels Will Be Conserved

The fossil fuels we have been using for the past hundreds of years will one day be exhausted. However, the sun is a free, renewable energy source that will continue shining for as long as we can count. It makes sense to save oil and gas for emergencies and use renewable energy sources for day-to-day uses. This will secure our predecessors’ future by saving the already depleted non-renewable energy sources. There are misconceptions that solar panels don’t work well in cold or rainy climates. This is not true. As long as there is daylight, solar panels work just fine. On the other hand, low temperatures are ideal for solar panels because they can overheat just like other machines.

  1. Self-Sufficiency Among Humans Increases

With the world economy becoming worse every day, people are thinking of becoming more self-sufficient. Going solar will slowly reduce and finally free you from dependence on the national power grid. Imagine if you never had to pay electricity bills all your life. You would be saving a lot of money every year that you could use for something that matters more. Solar panels are a must, especially for someone hoping to live in an isolated country setting. Even when living in the city, solar panels will save you money or make you more money. Some companies can pay you for the excess power your solar panels are producing.

  1. Economical Urbanization Becomes Possible

Solar energy will solve the problem of urbanization in rural areas and third-world countries. Electric cables from the national power grid can’t reach everywhere. Usually, they are installed on-demand, where large settlements have been made. With solar, the most remote village in Africa can have access to electricity. As long as there is enough exposure to direct sunlight, solar can transform the most remote area into a hub of innovation and light. There are different types of affordable solar power systems that can light up a household for several years. This method of urbanization is also cheaper.

  1. People Will Save More Money

Solar installation for a regular household is cheap these days. You can find a quality solar panel that can heat and light your home, cook and power your gadgets, all at an affordable one-off fee. Maintenance fees are affordable too and aren’t that frequent. This investment will save you lots of money that could have been otherwise spent on electricity bills. This money can find better uses elsewhere.

  1. To Be A Good Example To Future Generations

Earth is the only home we have to live in, and our lives depend on its survival. Implementing solar energy on a large scale will teach our children and future generations how to be responsible. If we manage to save Earth and reverse climate change’s horrible effects, your kids will have you to thank. We will teach our predecessors an important lesson on accountability. They will learn from our actions that nature offers free, precious gifts that cannot be replaced or substituted. This way, they will feel responsible for taking care of the environment and appreciate the provisions that nature gives freely to humankind.

Solar energy is clean, friendly to our planet, and saves us money. Besides that, we have a responsibility to future generations. Unless we take action now, we might miss a chance to reverse the horrible effects of climate change. None of us will survive what comes after. We can start by installing solar panels in our homes, campaigning for laws that favor solar energy, and spreading awareness of the many benefits of solar energy.