The Future of Solar Energy: Create a Better Tomorrow

To put it simply, solar power is the process of converting energy from the sun into either thermal or electrical energy. While it may be touted as a newer innovation, it has been used for thousands of years by people all over the world. As far back as the fifth century B.C. Greeks created a strategic layout of their cities to make sure each home could get its fair share of sunshine. Fast forward to the present day and the sun remains ever present. Thus, it is a renewable resource and therefore the most abundant and cleanest. With global warming becoming increasingly common, having such a valuable energy resource is vital for providing an energy source that is both sustainable and beneficial for the environment.

Electric Vehicles In Conjunction With the Future of Solar-Powered Technologies

As our world comes to depend upon solar energy more it is only reasonable that its power be used for a vast array of technologies, starting with the electric vehicle sector. One such niche in this field is electric vehicles. Non-fuel reliant vehicles run exclusively on solar energy and can be charged at their respective homes or at specified stations. In the future, in addition to the aforementioned, electric vehicles will now be equipped with vehicle-to-grid technology, which allows the user to return any unused power to a power grid for the benefit of other users. Another future advancement with regards to electric vehicles and their future capabilities is the combination of solar and wind energy, When coupled with solar panels, wind turbines can be utilized to power said vehicles.

Solar Power and the Future of Brick and Mortar Development

Another key area in which solar power can be beneficial in the future involves any materials that go into building a structure, whether that be a business or a residence. Shortly, solar panels will be uniformly developed into standard building materials, such as doors, windows, and even those designed for roofing. With the advent of solar power homes and other structures can be both pleasing to the eyes and environmentally positive. Some of these materials include transparent solar panels, which can be fitted onto windows while still ensuring light is capable of getting through. Yet another material in regards to the future of building and solar panels is solar skins. These are very thin coatings specifically designed to completely blend in with a building, thus hiding the fact they are solar powered at all. There is also the ingenious technology of solar pool heating, which, as its name suggests, is the collection of solar power to heat a swimming pool.

Microgrids in Conjunction with Decentralized Power

Another rather exciting advancement that is on the horizon for solar power capabilities is the ability for neighborhoods to take control and manage their own power needs, it even allows for the possibility that they can sell what they don’t use back to the power grid. This localized solar management would be in unison with nearby battery storage centers. These batteries are hooked up to hardware that ensures each house under the umbrella of the grid has adequate and dependable power.

Integrating the Future of Solar Power into Textiles and Clothing

Soon, wearable items can be used to produce electricity or even go so far as to power smaller electronic gadgets. One of the ways clothing can be utilized to create electricity is through the movement of a person, which can then take the place of physical chargers. There is even the possibility of solar fabrics being able to power buses and other means of transportation. In addition to powering automobiles and charging small electronic devices, the ability for solar fabrics to be fitted into everyday building components is also on the horizon. These materials can provide insulation, and produce electricity and shade for one’s home that is equal to or better than basic electric power. Another way in which solar fabrics can benefit users in the future is through the creation of reliable power sources for people living in areas where access to traditional power sources is difficult to access.

Space-Derived Solar Power

As its name suggests, space-based solar power is based on space providing a virtually indestructible beam of power, using microwave transmissions. This technology would be so powerful it would be immune to the awesome power of weather. Space-based power could be beneficial in many ways, not the least is providing power to remote areas with little access to a power source. Another way in which solar power beaming down from space is in case of a natural disaster. It would provide power to areas damaged by Mother Nature by providing a necessary supply of power access. Space based solar power can also be used to aid in powering power to space stations, mars rover vehicles or lunar vehicles.

Solar Thermal Uses for the Near Future

Solar Thermal Power goes beyond the scope of generating electricity in several ways. First, its power can be harvested to heat water. Said water heating units heat water to a specific temperature which is then used to provide hot water to both homes and businesses alike. One unit can potentially provide fifty percent of a structure’s hot water. Industrial processes are yet another way in which solar thermal power can be helpful in the future. Solar power is forecasted to play a major role in industrial processes by providing a heating source for a cadre of industrial applications, such as processing food, desalinating water sources, chemical cultivation, mineral material processing, and advanced oil fracking. All this is possible through the ability of concentrated solar thermal power, which can reach high enough temperatures that make it more than adequate for a wide array of needs specific to the industrial sector. Some of these said needs compatible with solar thermal energy are chemical processes set at high heat and food production set at low heat, In addition to food and chemical production, solar thermal energy can be harnessed to power industrial equipment. Moreover, with an increasing advancement in harvesting solar storage, these heavy-duty equipment pieces could maintain a consistent energy supply even at times of low sunlight.