Effective Practices to Improve Operational Efficiency, Productivity, Governance and Overall Public Performance

The public sector is a wide area that handles different types of services for the citizens. Unfortunately, the government may face various challenges in streamlining operations to offer quality and timely services to its citizens. When a government fails to streamline its services, there may be mismanagement of public resources, fraud, poor coordination and collaboration among government agencies, and poor service delivery to citizens.

Some of these challenges can cause civil servants to get demotivated. Thus, citizens may get deprived of quality services in the long run. So what measures can the government implement to increase efficiency, productivity, and effective service delivery? This guide takes you through best practices that the government can implement.

How to Improve Government Efficiency
There are many measures, initiatives, and approaches the government can take to improve its efficiency. Here are some of the workable and effective best practices.

Define and Maintain a Culture of Accountability
Accountability is among the key elements that the government should prioritize to streamline operations and improve service delivery to its citizens. When the government becomes accountable for every detail, citizens build trust and become loyal to its services.

Financial accountability is one of the primary challenges that the government face. Civil servants use public resources to execute their duties, but without accountability, it may lead to financial challenges that can affect government operations in the long run. So how does the government ensure accountability in all areas? Here are various actions that the government can apply to improve financial accountability and responsibility.

• Put measures and policies that civil servants should apply in their daily operations.
• Introduce accounting systems that can guide the government in decision-making.
• Conduct audits to examine the government assets and liabilities and create a report on the government’s financial position.
• Governments should create budgets to guide their expenditures and overall operations.
• Implement and apply a comprehensive system approach to boost operations and improve control.
• Leverage big data and analysis to identify gaps and decrease tolerance for corruption.
There are many steps the government can take to increase accountability and minimize corruption. Governments should identify all areas that can help them improve accountability, including updating policies and regulations, existing laws, and applying changes that impact productivity, especially on finances.

Improve Customer Service Delivery
Every citizen expects valuable, timely, and efficient services from the government. This leads to satisfaction and loyalty from the citizens. However, it may not be possible for the government to deliver quality services without streamlining customer service operations. Therefore, the government should ensure that customer service is top-notch and that the team attends to citizen needs as required.

The government should invest in talented, well-versed, experienced, and highly skilled workers who understand what it takes to deliver quality services to citizens. Also, in this digital era, most citizens leverage digital platforms to seek help from government agencies. Therefore, the government should streamline online platforms and portals to enhance service delivery. For instance, government websites and social media pages should be updated with quality information to help citizens find the answers to their issues. The platforms should have clear communication channels that citizens can use to easily reach out, seek help from the concerned parties and report issues. It is also important to train employees and encourage them to keep enhancing their customer care skills to deliver quality service.

Implement Innovative Service Delivery Models
In today’s era, where technology is taking shape in all corners of the world, it is important to implement innovative models that streamline processes within the government sector.

Today’s operations require advanced technology tools and applications for timely, quality, and effective service delivery. Technology solves complex tasks, minimizes errors, helps with data analysis, reduces employee workload, saves time and money, enhances collaboration, improves security, boosts decision-making, and creates value in customer services.

Technology also makes it easier for customers to log into portals and acquire government services from their comfort, thus, saving time and money in the long run.

The government can invest in multiple technology tools and applications for different operations and services. Such applications may include Enterprise Resource Planning, Performance Management Tools, Accounting software, Archival Software, Work Order Systems, Customer Relationship Management, Project Management Software, Billing and invoicing, client portal, and budget management, among other tools.

Implement Incentives and Reward Sytems
One of the most effective ways the government can foster productive workplaces and increase efficiency is by rewarding employees for their exemplary work and contribution to the public sector. This is an important culture that keeps employees motivated to work and achieve their goals in real-time.

When employees get motivated with work, they provide valuable services, and the environment becomes competitive. This is an incredible step that can boost performance and enhance service delivery. When employees realize that the workplace is becoming highly competitive, they focus on achieving their goals and staying ahead of the game.

There are many ways the government can reward its employees. For instance, employees can get time off awards, cash bonuses, recognition for exemplary performance, and fringe benefits. It is important to learn about the most suitable ways to reward employees. The first step is identifying what motivates the employees and what they will likely appreciate and value for their exemplary performance.

Employees who get appreciated are more productive and will likely have a positive attitude toward their work. The work environment becomes fun, thus, increasing employee engagement, and employees provide more satisfactory services, thus, leading to quality services to citizens.

The Bottom Line
There is more that the government can do to improve efficiency and productivity. It begins with identifying strengths and weaknesses and creating strategies to improve efficiency. The government should also be flexible to changes that enhance operations, especially when the current strategies do not add value. In some cases, the government can conduct research and get views from its citizens about areas that require improvement. Many citizens would be willing to provide feedback based on the current operational methods and strategies, which can help the government determine the effectiveness of its services.